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Return & Refund Policy
Thanks for shopping at Me And The Baby We appreciate the fact that you like to buy the stuff we build We also want to make sure you have a rewarding experience while you’re exploring, evaluahng, and purchasing our products.
As with any shopping experience, there are terms and conditions that apply to transactions at Me And The Baby Well be as brief. our attomeys will allow. The main thing to remember is that by placing an older or making a purchase at Me And The Baby, you agree to the terms set forth below along with Me And The Baby’s Privacy Policy
If there’s something wrong with the product you bought, or if you are not happy with rt, you have 0 to issue a refund and retum your item.
If you would like to retum a produci, the only way would be rf you follow the next guidelines
• The product has to be damage tree, if we find any damage on the produd we will cancel your refund immediately
We at Me And The Baby comma ourselves to serving our customers with the best products. Every single product that you choose is thoroughly inspected, checked for defects and packaged with utmost care. We do this to ensure that you fall in love with our products.
Sadly, there are times when we may not have the product(s) that you choose in stack, or may face some issues with our inventory and quality check In such cases, we may have to cancel your order. You will be mhmated about it in advance so that you don’t have to worry unnecessanly about your order. If you have purchased via Online payment (not Cash on Delivery), then you will be refunded once our team confirms your request.
We carry out thorough quaky check before processing the ordered item. We take utmost care while packing the product At the same lime we ensure that the packing is good such that the items won’t get damaged during transit Please note that Me And The Baby is not liable for damages that are caused to the items during transit or transportation.
We will revise your returned product as soon as we receive it and if it follows the guidelines addressed above, we will proceed to issue a refund of your purchase. Your refund may take a couple of days to process but you will be notified when you receive your money.